Hey everybody! Instead of posting about baseball, I'm gonna spice it up. My mom, sister, and I just got done watching Tangled, and my first thought was BLOG TIME!!
So below are quite a few movie clips of my favorite Disney princess movies. All of them are about LOVE! Since I was little, I have always wanted a fairy tale ending. I hold out for it, because it's been a dream I have had for as long as I remember. I always blame Disney for making me a hopeless romantic! Holding out for my fairy tale, but when I think about it, I seriously believe that I will get my fairy tale. I will know my prince, when he shows up. I think every little girl should have a prince charming. He might not be dressed in armor. My prince isn't. My ideal prince is a man who wants to serve with me in the ministry, loves kids, is my best friend, and a few other main points. (my list is very long lol) but I know that my prince is out there, and I will have my fairy tale ending. So girls out there, don't settle. You deserve the very best and only that! :)
Enjoy these clips, they're my favorite!! :) (i even cry a little when i watch them) ((yes i am a hopeless romantic, living through animated characters!))