This is my personal blog and something I have just to talk about life!
So who is Ashlee?? Well let me tell you who Ashlee is!
-A daughter of Christ.
-A servant of Christ.
-A future teacher
-A baseball fanatic (espcially my Texas Rangers)
-A preschool teacher in the church
-A singer
-A student
-A helper
-A hopeless romatic
-A missionary
I'm a lot more but thats just a starter list. You see I am a very complex person. I love Jesus and live on Earth to serve him, but I am don't speak the "christian lingo". I serve in a church, at school and at home, that serves unchurched people! I get to teach sweet preschool kids, and it completes my life. I cannot wait to become a teacher. I want to teach 2nd grade but will teach wherever I am needed. I also have a huge heart for people in Peru and Africa! I've been to Peru and am going back this coming summer, but haven't been to Africa will happen! I love baseball! Seriously it's one of my favorite things ever!! I am a diehard Texas Rangers fan! :) My family and I are super duper close, and I miss them terribly when I am at school. I am very OCD and I have some pretty intense morals, just the way i was raised. I love school! I am a very girly girl, but not afraid to get dirty. Pink is my favorite color and that could be an understatement! I have some amazing friends and they have been there for me through a lot!
So anyways thats my life summed up pretty much! Keep a look out for more posts! I have a feeling this blog will be random! ;)
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