So this summer has been pretty dull. I went 21 days without seeing my friends. 21 days without hanging out with people my age. I was pretty bummed and bored lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my family and being able to have quality time with them, but i missed people my own age, my friends, and my brothers and sisters in Christ. SOOOO this past Saturday I got a full day of hanging out with them!
Here are some High Points::
-Kimberly and I have been friends since elementary school, and who would have thought I would be friends with her again in college. When she got to the house we stayed up till 2:15 laughing and talking about everything and anything
-We started off meeting in Arlington. Chisom and Donald got lost for 48 minutes while Kim and I tried to give them directions....EPIC FAIL! lol
-Evan came and screamed at every little bug that came his way lol
-Then Peter showed up! He drove like 2 and a half hours (crazy man)
-Then we went to a gas station, which was an event in itself, and the boys decided they didn't wanna pay parking at the ballpark, so they were gonna risk it and leave their cars at wal-mart.
-Got to the ballpark like 2 hours before the game started and spent most the time waiting for Evan to finish shopping lol.
-Watched an awesome game, 5 home-runs in ONE game! Heck Yes!
-Said our good-byes and Peter prayed for us before we traveled back to our homes. (loved the prayer hated the goodbyes)
-Sunday was awesome as well. Church was fabulous, daddy preached an awesome sermon.
-Kim left around 2 (that wasn't a good part)
-Played a family game of volleyball.
-and ended the night with just great quality family time
So why do i tell you all this? I tell you this because God answers prayers and he does them big! I needed time with my friends desperately, and although the boys are a bit rambunctious, it was just what I needed. The funny part is that I wouldn't have known any of these people if it wasn't for stepping out of my comfort zone and going with Kim to a bible study. These are the lovely people I talked about the post below this one! So this weekend had lots of laughs, good talks, and just being around people my age who live to serve God with all their lives. It was exactly what i needed, and God provided. Now I am looking forward to seeing all their bright faces again! Might have to wait another 18 days, but I think I can do it! :)
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