How I Met Your Mother/Friends/Thats So Raven/YaYa Sistrhood/Cheers/Big Bang Theory/Jersey Shore/Desperate Housewives/MASH/ect...
All these shows have one thing in common....friends, and not just one friend but groups of friends. Over the past two years of college I've had a friend here a couple here, but not a group. So i have been praying for God to put a group of friends in my life that would help build me up in the Lord and keep me accountable. Well Fall semester of my sophomore year, I had a group of friends, but it wasn't what I needed. So anyways here's the story...
Well... if you would have asked me a few weeks before school got out, i would tell you "heck yes I'm ready to be home". Then the week till i leave to come home, I meet a group of amazing people. I went to a "small group" where i knew a few people, but nobody very well. I had started to get to know them a little better. As soon as I walked in, I was treated soooo well and just taken right in. This was on a Wednesday and I moved home on a Friday.... God was working because now I wasn't ready to go home...
SIDE NOTE:: In fact I moved home that Friday, and the following Sunday I drove to Tarleton to see a few of them. We have plans to hang out and chill over the summer, and I'm even going to Peru with a couple of them. I think it is so funny how God just rocks my world when I have just hit a point of total confusion.
...now I am really looking forward to going back and having that group I have been praying for. I believe God put them in my life at the last minute because now that I am home, i had the option to be who i was last summer (which wasn't what i needed) or just hang with my family, talk to people from school, get deep with Jesus, and just relax till school starts. So yes it will be a lonely summer but it will be a very rewarding summer! I'm going to enjoy all the family time, the few times i get to see people from school, and growing my relationship with Christ! :)
~So to all those lovely people! Thank you for being an answered prayer!!~
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